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Quick Keys
- Ctrl + O - Open File
- Ctrl + S - Saves current file
- Ctrl + U - Uploads current changes to emulator (when connected)
- Ctrl + L - Clears lambda table when on the Fuel/Ign screen.
- Ctrl + D - Opens the Data bar screen
- Ctrl + F - Opens the Live Gauges screen
- Ctrl + G - Opens the Graph Review screen
- Ctrl + M - Opens the Monitor screen
Working with the MAF window:
- Click-Drag to highlight cells.
- Minus Key - will decrease value by 10 units
- Plus Key + will increase value by 10 units
- Shift + minus key - will decrease value by 50 units
- Shift + plus key + will increase value by 50 units
- Right Click Direct Edit Mehod
- Set cell to desired value and hit Enter/Return to confirm change
- Tab moves the editable cell down
- Shift+Tab moves the editable cell up
- MAF Selection
- Maf Selection drop down window populated by the MAF DATA file in the NismoTronic Root Directory
- Save your custom MAF by hitting Save MAF and name it to suite! It will be saved into the MAF DATA file and will be populated into your MAF drop down menu next time you open.
- Delete MAF allows you to delete any of your Cusom Mafs in the drop down window, but WILL NOT delete the supplied STOCK MAF items.
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